Morgan Porterfield Freeman, born June 1, 1937 in Mephis, Tennesse. He has won one Oscar and one Golden Globe and has also been honored by President Bush.  He is 6'2". At age 71, he is still and still will be one of the most respected actors in Hollywood, but in my opinion, he is the best actor in the world.


When born during a harsh time leading to the Dust Bowl and Wall Street Crash, Freeman's parents migrated to Chicago to find work in factories. Because of that, Freeman was sent to live with his granparents in Charleston, Mississippi. Freeman had four brothers and one sister but I do not know if they went to live with their grandparents or not... I'd like to say yes. Freeman must of liked Charelston becuase to this day he owns a home there. 


If you'd like even MORE of a bioghraphy on Morgan Freeman, check out this site:

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